
Saturday, September 3, 2011

The first night i managed to sleep for 9 hours straight, waking up with a bright mood matching the weather outside. Looks inviting except with less cloud more blue it would have been perfect. I guess i shall declare today as a good day.

Breakfast is the most important meal of our day, as said and, as proven. Being slight lazy, i just took my cereal ( coco-crunch ) , my milk, a bowl, and a spooon down to my room. Walking down the room sort of managing what would i do for the day . That includes, getting a bike, learning how to ride a bike and such.

 I reached my room, place the bowl nice and middle, had a movie play up on my lap top. Poured the coco-crunch into a bowl, then the milk. This is when everything tumble down. The sunnyside turn into the darkside.

The liquid came out of the milkbox appear to be rather lumpy but still clear white. hmph? did i accidentally bought yoghurt instead? i google translated whats on the box, yeah it turns out to be milk and sour. There goes my whole bowl of coco-crunch,  just sent them up to heaven. All faulty and sour.

Talk about having a good morning breakfast.
i just got screwed by one.

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