
Friday, July 8, 2011

Minto Cafe

It's winter and the temptation for you to hide or get yourself to warm up in any available cafe is blardy high. I have to admit, ever since traveling and studying in the western country. Getting myself slightly westernised the need/ habit to have a cup of coffee or something sweet is necessary. Not a much but preferable yes. It's always nice to get a cup of coffee or something sweet to satisfy the sweet tooth. Moreover, it's winter.. there are no more reason not to or don't head to any cafe.



We just had dinner, and wanting to find something sweet to flush the tasting bud. Stumble upon this cafe, it was kinda eerie and really quiet. Probably girl's fantasy and would be easily their favourite hang out spot. As we walk down the stairs. it's like the stairways to barbie land. It was pink, blinky, waiter and waitress dress like some anime character, that potentially would change into sailor moon if you piss them off.. Kick your butt on the moon's behalf. (kudos if u get it =p)

It's the Minto Communitas,and i just realise it could be found in Seoul as well.



What i really like about this cafe is, we were handed a cup of warm water once we go in. The service was really fast maybe because we were the only dinner. Arrays of food but we were here only for the warm beverages. Besides the services provided, the attention to detail, the coherency of all elements were pretty good. i mean i'm not a pro but at least it's comfortable to my eyes.

I appreciate the sofa covering, the vintage flower pattern , slight romanesque with all the english painting, slight picturesque with a bridge going over the middle of the restaurant, slight alice wonderland with the wooden horse hanging off the ceiling almost making space surreal and no to forget the blink blinks on the ceiling. Their electric bill each month must be rocket high, i dun even want to imagine.



Another big tick to drawing on my green tea latte =)!


I was also surprised by the array of spaces in this restaurant! HEY there is a wii room in there ! It's my first time i've seen this offered in a restaurant and ping pong tables? i'm sure my dad wouldn't mind spending his time here - a vivid ping pong fan.

HOWEVER! they knew this was coming, so they only allow ur stay to be 3 hours max =). smart move!

Definitely give it a go if u have the chance. relax urself n calm ur soul =p



Khai L. said...

i love the blinking led on ceiling! so pretty

Jnbl said...

yeah it is right! hhaa transport u down to memory lane.. next year im gonna buy and hang on my ceiling!

waste ele much =p

Anonymous said...

hi, i stumbled upon your blog while searching for accommodation in korea. I really like your blog and I love your photographs. I envy you get the chance to sips coffee in those cool cafes :)

Jnbl said...

Hey have u got the accommodation yet? i could recommend u the place i stay =) it's not that bad ! and it's situated in the older district in Korea!

Korea is absolutely amazing. it's still is the best country i visited =) You should go sip coffee urself too! can absolutely recommend u some =D